Friday, August 20, 2010

Pretty Little Surprise

Last night, the Hubbs took me to a nice restaurant. We saw one of the Hubbs' business contacts at the restaurant, shook hands with him, and all smiled at one another. The man's party left shortly after we arrived.

We ate our meal. It was delicious.

As we were debating about whether or not to get dessert, our waiter stopped by the table.

"The man you were talking with earlier has already paid for your dessert. It will be coming up shortly."

The Hubbs and I looked at one another, shocked and smiling.

It was a wonderful piece of chocolate cake, but even nicer was the kindness of that man. I've never had someone make that gesture at a restaurant. It felt old-fashioned, genuine, and so incredibly thoughtful.

Hubbs and I smiled our whole way through dessert. It was a wonderful surprise.

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